Ουιγούρ γλώσσα: Διαφορά μεταξύ των αναθεωρήσεων

Περιεχόμενο που διαγράφηκε Περιεχόμενο που προστέθηκε
Γραμμή 54:
* {{Citation | last1 = Engesæth | first1 = Tarjei | last2 = Yakup | first2 = Mahire | last3 = Dwyer | first3 = Arienne | title = Greetings from the Teklimakan: A Handbook of Modern Uyghur, Volume 1 | year = 2009 | publisher = University of Kansas|University of Kansas Scholarworks | location = Lawrence, Kansas | isbn = 978-1-936153-03-9 | url = http://kuscholarworks.ku.edu/dspace/bitstream/1808/5624/3/EngYakDwy2009_Uyg1full_10.pdf}} ([http://www.webcitation.org/6McjOvQ8T Archive])
* {{Citation | last1 = Hahn | first1 = Reinhard F. | title = Spoken Uyghur | year = 1991 | publisher = University of Washington Press | location = London and Seattle | isbn = 978-0-295-98651-7}}
* {{Citation | last1 = Hahn | first1 = Reinhard F. | editor1-last = Johanson | editor1-first = Lars | editor2-last = Csató | editor2-first = Éva Ágnes | title = The Turkic Languages | chapter = Uyghur | year = 1998 | pages = 379–396 | publisher = [[Routledge]] | isbn = 978-0-415-08200-6}}
* {{Citation | last1 = Johanson | first1 = Lars | editor1-last = Johanson | editor1-first = Lars | editor2-last = Csató | editor2-first = Éva Ágnes | title = The Turkic Languages | chapter = History of Turkic| pages = 81–125 | publisher = Routledge | isbn = 978-0-415-08200-6}}
* {{Citation | last1 = Vaux | first1 = Bert | title = Disharmony and Derived Transparency in Uyghur Vowel Harmony | year = 2001 | publisher = Harvard University | location = Cambridge | url = http://web.archive.org/web/20060208045946/http://www.uwm.edu/~vaux/uyghur.pdf}} ([http://www.webcitation.org/6McjVeWyi Archive])