Οικονομικά σε ένα μάθημα: Διαφορά μεταξύ των αναθεωρήσεων

Περιεχόμενο που διαγράφηκε Περιεχόμενο που προστέθηκε
→‎Criticism: italicized book title
Χωρίς σύνοψη επεξεργασίας
Γραμμή 74:
“I strongly recommend that every American acquire some basic knowledge of economics, monetary policy, and the intersection of politics with the economy. No formal classroom is required; a desire to read and learn will suffice. There are countless important books to consider, but the following are an excellent starting point: ''The Law'' by Frédéric Bastiat; ''Economics in One Lesson'' by Henry Hazlitt; ''What has Government Done to our Money?'' by Murray Rothbard; ''The Road to Serfdom'' by Friedrich Hayek; and ''Economics for Real People'' by Gene Callahan. ... If you simply read and comprehend these relatively short texts, you will know far more than most educated people about economics and government. You certainly will develop a far greater understanding of how supposedly benevolent government policies destroy prosperity. If you care about the future of this country, arm yourself with knowledge and fight back against economic ignorance. We disregard economics and history at our own peril.” — [[Ron Paul]]
“If I am able to get my children to read only one economics text in their lifetime, God forbid, it would be Hazlitt’s.”<ref><cite>''The Dao of Capital: Austrian Investing in a Distorted World''. New York: John Wiley & Sons. September, 2013</ref> — [[Mark Spitznagel]]