Κονσιερζερί: Διαφορά μεταξύ των αναθεωρήσεων

Περιεχόμενο που διαγράφηκε Περιεχόμενο που προστέθηκε
Χωρίς σύνοψη επεξεργασίας
Γραμμή 7:
The [[Île de la Cité]] was occupied by the Romans during late antiquity. Later, the west part of the island was the site of a [[Merovingian]] palace; and from the 10th to the 14th centuries was the seat of the medieval [[Kings of France]]. Under [[Louis IX of France|Louis IX]] (''Saint Louis'') (1226-1270) and [[Philippe IV of France|Philippe IV]] (''Philippe the Fair'') (1284–1314) the Merovingian palace was extended and more heavily fortified.
Louis IX added the remarkable [[Sainte-Chapelle]] and associated galeries, while Philippe IV created the towered facade on the river side and a large hall. Both are excellent examples of French religious and secular architecture of the period. The [[Sainte-Chapelle]], built in the French royal style, was ereceted to house the [[crown of thorns]] brought back from the crusades, and to serve as royal chapel. The "Grande-Salle" (Great Hall) was one of the largest in Europe, and its lower story, known as "La salle des gardesgens" surives: 209 feet long, 90 feet wide and 28 feet high. It was used as a dining-room for the 2,000 staff who worked in the palace. It was heated with four large fireplaces and lit by many windows, now blocked up. It was also used for royal banquets and judicial proceedings. The neighboring GuardroomSalle des Gardes was used as an antechamber to the Great Hall immediately above, where the king held his ''[[lit de justice]]'' (a session of [[parlement]] in the king's presence).
The early [[Valois]] kings continued to improve the palace in the 1300s, but the royal family abandoned the palace in 1358, moving across the river to the [[Louvre]]. The palace continued to serve an administrative function, and still included the chancellery and french parlement. In 1391 the building was converted for use as a prison. Its prisoners were a mixture of common criminals and political prisoners. In common with other prisons of the time, the treatment of prisoners was very dependent on their wealth, status and connections. The very wealthy or influential usually got their own cells with a bed, desk and materials for reading and writing. Less well-off prisoners could afford to pay for simply-furnished cells called ''pistoles'', which would be equipped with a rough bed and perhaps a table. The poorest, known as the ''pailleux'' from the hay (''paille'') that they slept on, would be confined to dark, damp, vermin-infested cells called ''[[oubliette]]s'' (literally "forgotten places"). In keeping with the name, they were left to die in conditions that were ideal for the [[Bubonic plague|plague]] and other infectious diseases which were rife in the insanitary conditions of the prison.