Πάπας Στέφανος Α΄: Διαφορά μεταξύ των αναθεωρήσεων

Περιεχόμενο που διαγράφηκε Περιεχόμενο που προστέθηκε
μ Ρομπότ: Τροποποίηση: pl:Stefan I (papież)
Rubinbot (συζήτηση | συνεισφορές)
μ robot Modifying: es:Esteban I (papa)
Γραμμή 1:
{{Infobox Pope|
English name=Saint Stephen I|
|όνομα = Στέφανος Α΄
|εικόνα image= [[Image:Stephen I.jpg|190px]]|
|από = [[254]]
term_start=ca. [[12 May]] [[254]]|
|έως = [[2 Αυγούστου|02-08-]][[257]]
term_end=[[2 August]] [[257]]|
|προκάτοχος = [[Πάπας Λούκιος Α΄|Λούκιος Α΄]]
predecessor=[[Pope Lucius I|Lucius I]]|
|διάδοχος = [[Πάπας Σίξτος Β΄|Σίξτος Β΄]]
successor=[[Pope Sixtus II|Sixtus II]]|
|θυρεός =
birthplace=[[Rome]], [[Italy]]|
Ο '''Πάπας Στέφανος Α΄''' ([[12 Μαΐου]] [[254]] – [[2 Αυγούστου]] [[257]]), εκ γενετής Ρωμαίος σύμφωνα με το ''[[Liber Pontificalis|LP]]'', έγινε προκαθήμενος της εκκλησίας της Ρώμης και διαδέχθηκε τον [[πάπας Λούκιος Α΄|Λούκιο Α']] μετά από δίμηνη χηρεία του παπικού θρόνου 60 ημερών. Θεωρείται σημαντικός πάπας σε ζητήματα ανάπτυξης της αγίας έδρας και είναι κυρίως γνωστός για τις συγκρούσεις του με τον ισχυρό επίσκοπο Κυπριανό Καρχηδόνος.
dead=dead|death_date={{death date|257|8|2|mf=y}}|
deathplace=[[Rome]], [[Italy]]|
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[[en:papal name=Pope Stephen I]]|
dipstyle=His Holiness|
offstyle=Your Holiness|
relstyle=Holy Father|
'''Pope Saint Stephen I''' served as Bishop of Rome from [[12 May]], [[254]] to [[2 August]], [[257]].
Of [[Rome|Roman]] birth but of [[Greek people|Greek]] ancestry, he became bishop of Rome in 254, having served as archdeacon of [[Pope Lucius I]], who appointed Stephen his successor.
At the time, internal disputes racking the Church were as much a threat as the external persecutions: following the [[Decius|Decian persecution]] of 250-251, there was disagreement about how to treat those who had lapsed from the faith, and Stephen was urged by Faustinus, Bishop of Lyon, to take action against Marcian, [[Bishop of Arles]], who denied penance and communion to the lapsed who repented, the position called [[Novatianism]], after [[Novatian]], later declared a [[Christian heresy|heretic]], who held for the strictest approach.
{{Πάπες Ρώμης}}
This led to controversy over whether to accept as a valid sacrament baptism by splinter Christian groups. Stephen held that converts from such groups did not need rebaptism, while [[Cyprian]] and certain bishops of the Roman province of Africa held rebaptism necessary for admission to the [[Eucharist]]. Stephen's view eventually won broad acceptance.
[[Κατηγορία:Πάπες Ρώμης|Στεφανος 01]]
He is also mentioned as having insisted on the restoration of the bishops of [[León, León|León]] and [[Astorga (Spain)|Astorga]], who had been deposed for unfaithfulness during the persecution but afterwards had repented.
The ''"Depositio Episcoporum"'' of 354 speaks of Pope Stephen I as not a martyr.<ref>"Calendarium Romanum" (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1969), p. 133</ref> Probably because of a conflation with his successor [[Pope Sixtus II]], who was one of the first victims of [[Valerian]]'s 258 persecution, it has been said that, as he was sitting on his pontifical throne in the [[catacombs]], celebrating [[Mass (liturgy)|Mass]] for his [[Wiktionary:congregation|congregation]] the emperor's men came and beheaded him on [[August 2]], [[257]]. As late as the 18th century, the chair was preserved, still stained with blood. Although Emperor Valerian's original persecution in 257 did not order summary execution of bishops, it did not exactly forbid them.
St Stephen I's [[feast day]] in the [[Roman Catholic Church]] is celebrated on [[August 2]].<ref>"Martyrologium Romanum" (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2001 ISBN 88-209-7210-7)</ref> When the 1839 the new feast of [[Alphonsus Liguori|St Alphonsus Mary de Liguori]] was assigned to [[2 August]], Saint Stephen I was mentioned only as a [[commemoration (prayer)|commemoration]] within the [[Mass (liturgy)|Mass]] of Saint Alphonsus. The revision of the calendar in 1969 removed the mention of Saint Stephen I from the General Roman Calendar, but, according to the [[Roman Missal|General Instruction of the Roman Missal]], the [[2 August]] Mass may now everywhere be that of Saint Stephen I, unless in some locality an obligatory celebration is assigned to that day,<ref>[http://www.acbc.catholic.org.au/documents/200707031933.pdf "General Instruction of the Roman Missal"] 355 c</ref> and some continue to use pre-1969 calendars that mention a commemoration of Saint Stephen I on that day.
Pope Saint Stephen I is the patron of [[Hvar (town)|Hvar]].
<references />
==External links==
* {{ws|[[s:Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Pope St. Stephen I|Pope St. Stephen I]] in the 1913 ''Catholic Encyclopedia''}}
*[http://www.documentacatholicaomnia.eu/01_01_0254-0257-_Stephanus_I,_Sanctus.html His writings]
{{s-bef|before=[[Pope Lucius I|Lucius I]]}}
{{s-ttl|title=[[Bishop of Rome]] <br/>[[List of popes|Pope]]|years=254&ndash;257}}
{{s-aft|after=[[Pope Sixtus II|Sixtus II]]}}
{{History of the Roman Catholic Church}}
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[[af:Pous Stefanus I]]
Γραμμή 23 ⟶ 69 :
[[da:Pave Stefan 1.]]
[[de:Stephan I. (Bischof von Rom)]]
[[en:Pope Stephen I]]
[[eo:Stefano la 1-a (papo)]]
[[es:Esteban I (Papa)]]
[[et:Stephanus I]]
|όνομα =[[el:Πάπας Στέφανος Α΄]]
[[es:Esteban I (Papapapa)]]
[[eo:Stefano la 1-a (papo)]]
[[fa:استفان یکم]]
[[fi:Stefanus I]]
[[fr:Étienne Ier (pape)]]
[[gl:Estevo I, papa]]
[[ko:교황 스테파노 1세]]
[[he:סטפנוס הראשון]]
[[hr:Stjepan I., papa]]
[[hu:I. István pápa]]
[[id:Paus Stefanus I]]
[[it:Papa Stefano I]]
[[he:סטפנוס הראשון]]
[[ja:ステファヌス1世 (ローマ教皇)]]
[[jv:Paus Stephanus I]]
[[kosw:교황Papa 스테파노Stefano 1세I]]
[[la:Stephanus I]]
[[hu:I. István pápa]]
[[mk:Папа Стефан I]]
[[nl:Paus Stefanus I]]
[[ja:ステファヌス1世 (ローマ教皇)]]
[[no:Stefan I (pave)]]
[[pl:Stefan I (papież)]]
Γραμμή 48 ⟶ 94 :
[[ru:Стефан I (папа римский)]]
[[sk:Štefan I. (pápež)]]
[[fi:Stefanus I]]
[[sv:Stefan I (påve)]]
[[sw:Papa Stefano I]]
[[th:สมเด็จพระสันตะปาปาสตีเฟนที่ 1]]
[[tl:Esteban I]]
[[th:สมเด็จพระสันตะปาปาสตีเฟนที่ 1]]
[[uk:Стефан I]]