Airbus A310 MRTT: Διαφορά μεταξύ των αναθεωρήσεων

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imported>A380 Fan
μ Rephrase sentence about USAF competition
Γραμμή 13:
While the current MRTTs rely on probe/drogue refueling EADS has invested $90m in research and development of a boom refueling system—as used by the [[USAF]]. They are now able to offer tankers from the small A310 with refueling pods to the large [[Airbus A330 MRTT|A330 MRTT]] equipped with refueling booms.
EADS has taken advantage of [[Boeing]]'s difficulties over the USAF [[KC-767]] deal, restating their bid for the USAF contract (althoughthough withmany littleobservers ordoubt nothe hopeMRTT's of successchances). EADS has won the recent UK (through Airtanker consortium) and Australian contracts to provide AAR/AT for both air forces with the A330.
== See also ==