Αποκοπή από τους Μάρτυρες του Ιεχωβά: Διαφορά μεταξύ των αναθεωρήσεων

Περιεχόμενο που διαγράφηκε Περιεχόμενο που προστέθηκε
μΧωρίς σύνοψη επεξεργασίας
Γραμμή 133:
Hinduism, being too diverse to be seen as a monolithic religion, and with a conspicuous absence of any listed dogma or ecclesia (organised church), has no concept of excommunication and hence no Hindu may be ousted from the Hindu religion. However, some of the modern organized sects within Hinduism (this might be true for a few of the modern Buddhist sects, too) may practice something equivalent to excommunication today, by ousting a person from their own sect. In medieval and early-modern times (and sometimes even now) in India, excommunication from one's ''[[caste]]'' (''jati'' or ''varna'') used to be practiced (by the caste-councils) and was often with serious consequences, such as abasement of the person's caste status and even throwing him into the sphere of the [[untouchability|untouchables]]. After excommmunication, it would depend upon the caste-council whether they would accept any form of repentance (ritual or otherwise) or not.
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==Εξωτερικοί ιστότοποι==