Μάχη της Μπογιακά: Διαφορά μεταξύ των αναθεωρήσεων

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Cydebot (συζήτηση | συνεισφορές)
μ Robot - Speedily moving category South American wars of independence battles to Battles of the South American wars of independence per CFD.
Mesoso2 (συζήτηση | συνεισφορές)
Χωρίς σύνοψη επεξεργασίας
Γραμμή 23:
The republican vanguard forced a confrontation through a surprise attack which divided Barreiro's army at a strategic bridge, splitting the Royalist force in half. Each half was defeated in turn by Santader's and Anzoátegui's forces, which used their cavalry squadrons to strike their foes' respective rearguards.
At least 1,600 troops and several of the Spanish commanders, including Barreiro himself, were captured at the end of the battle. New Granada's liberation was assured by this victory, which left the road to Bogotá and the city itself practically undefended, as the survivors headed towards other locations. After the battle, Santander and Anzoátegui were promoted to the rank of Division General, the equivalent of [[MajorDivisional General]].
The bridge in question, el [[Puente de Boyacà]], is no longer in use but it has been maintained as a symbol of the Independence of South America.