Ινδονησία: Διαφορά μεταξύ των αναθεωρήσεων

Περιεχόμενο που διαγράφηκε Περιεχόμενο που προστέθηκε
μ ενημ. πληθ.
Γραμμή 63:
== Ιστορία ==
Το αρχιπέλαγος της Ινδονησίας, ειδικότερα το νησί [[Ιάβα]], κατοικήθηκε από τον ''[[Homo erectus]]'' περίπου 1.500.000 χρόνια πριν έως και 35.000 χρόνια πριν<ref>{{cite journal|title=Shell tool use by early members of Homo erectus in Sangiran, central Java, Indonesia: cut mark evidence |doi=10.1016/j.jas.2006.03.013|year=2007|last1=Choi|first1=Kildo|last2=Driwantoro|first2=Dubel|journal=Journal of Archaeological Science|volume=34|page=48}}</ref><ref>[http://www.terradaily.com/reports/Finding_showing_human_ancestor_older_than_previously_thought_offers_new_insights_into_evolution_999.html Finding showing human ancestor older than previously thought offers new insights into evolution]. Terradaily.com. 5 July 2011. Retrieved 29 January 2012.</ref><ref>{{Cite journal |last=Pope |title= Recent advances in far eastern paleoanthropology | journal = Annual Review of Anthropology | volume = 17 | pages = 43–77 | year =1988 |doi=10.1146/annurev.an.17.100188.000355 |first1= GG}} cited in {{cite book |last=Whitten |first=T |coauthors=Soeriaatmadja, RE, Suraya AA | title = The Ecology of Java and Bali |publisher=Periplus Editions |year=1996 |location=Hong Kong |pages=309–12}}; {{Cite journal |last = Pope | first = GG | title = Evidence on the age of the Asian Hominidae | journal = Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | volume = 80 | issue=16 |pages=4988–92 |year= 1983|pmid = 6410399 | doi = 10.1073/pnas.80.16.4988 | pmc =384173}} cited in {{cite book |last=Whitten |first= T | coauthors = Soeriaatmadja, RE, Suraya AA | title = The Ecology of Java and Bali | publisher =Periplus Editions |year=1996 |location=Hong Kong |page= 309}}; {{Cite journal | last = de Vos | first = JP |author2=PY Sondaar | title = Dating hominid sites in Indonesia |journal=Science |volume=266 |issue=16 |pages=4988–92 |year=1994 |doi=10.1126/science.7992059}} cited in {{cite book |last=Whitten |first=T | coauthors =Soeriaatmadja, RE, Suraya AA | title= The Ecology of Java and Bali |publisher=Periplus Editions |year=1996 |location= Hong Kong |page = 309}}</ref>. Ο σύγχρονος άνθρωπος (''Homo Sapiens'') πρέπει να έφτασε στην Ινδονησία πριν περίπου 45.000 χρόνια.<ref>{{cite journal | publisher = Smithsonian | url = http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history-archaeology/human-migration.html | title = The Great Human Migration |date=July 2008 | page = 2}}</ref>
=== Οι πρώτοι κάτοικοι & τα πρώτα βασίλεια ===