Χρήστης:Dmtrs32/πρόχειρο: Διαφορά μεταξύ των αναθεωρήσεων

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Γραμμή 69:
When a BCR binds an antigen tagged with a fragment of the C3 complement protein, CD21 binds the C3 fragment, co-ligates with the bound BCR, and signals are transduced through CD19 and CD81 to lower the activation threshold of the cell.<ref>{{Cite journal|title = Cell-specific regulation of the CD21 gene|journal = International Immunopharmacology|date = 2001-03-01|pages = 483–493|volume = 1|series = Unraveling Mechanisms and Discovering Novel Roles for Complement|issue = 3|doi = 10.1016/S1567-5769(00)00046-1|pmid = 11367532|first1 = Mark D.|last1 = Zabel|first2 = John H.|last2 = Weis}}</ref>
===Ενεργοποίηση εξαρτώμενη από Τ κύτταρα===
===T cell-dependent activation===
Τα αντιγόνα που ενεργοποιούν τα Β κύτταρα με τη βοήθεια των Τ-κυττάρων είναι γνωστά ως Τ-εξαρτώμενα από Τ κύτταρα αντιγόνα και περιλαμβάνουν ξένες πρωτεΐνες.
Antigens that activate B cells with the help of T-cell are known as T cell-dependent (TD) antigens and include foreign proteins.<ref name=":0" /> They are named as such because they are unable to induce a humoral response in organisms that lack T cells.<ref name=":0" /> B cell responses to these antigens takes multiple days, though antibodies generated have a higher affinity and are more functionally versatile than those generated from T cell-independent activation.<ref name=":0" />
Antigens that activate B cells with the help of T-cell are known as T cell-dependent (TD) antigens and include foreign proteins.<ref name=":0" /> Ονομάζονται ως τέτοια επειδή δεν είναι σε θέση να προκαλέσουν χυμική αντίδραση σε οργανισμούς που στερούνται Τ κυττάρων.
They are named as such because they are unable to induce a humoral response in organisms that lack T cells.<ref name=":0" /> Οι αποκρίσεις των Β κυττάρων σε αυτά τα αντιγόνα διαρκούν πολλές ημέρες, αν και τα αντισώματα που δημιουργούνται έχουν μεγαλύτερη συγγένεια και είναι πιο λειτουργικά από αυτά που δημιουργούνται από ανεξάρτητη ενεργοποίηση των Τ κυττάρων
Antigens that activate B cells with the help of T-cell are known as T cell-dependent (TD) antigens and include foreign proteins.<ref name=":0" /> They are named as such because they are unable to induce a humoral response in organisms that lack T cells.<ref name=":0" /> B cell responses to these antigens takes multiple days, though antibodies generated have a higher affinity and are more functionally versatile than those generated from T cell-independent activation.<ref name=":0" />
Μόλις ένα BCR δεσμεύσει ένα αντιγόνο TD, το αντιγόνο μεταφέρεται στο Β κύτταρο μέσω [[ενδοκυττάρωση που προκαλείται από υποδοχείς]], [[πρωτεόλυση | υποβαθμίστηκε]] και παρουσιάζεται στα Τ κύτταρα ως πεπτιδικά τεμάχια σε σύμπλοκο με [[κλάση MHC II | MHC-II μόρια]] στην κυτταρική μεμβράνη.
Once a BCR binds a TD antigen, the antigen is taken up into the B cell through [[receptor-mediated endocytosis]], [[Proteolysis|degraded]], and presented to T cells as peptide pieces in complex with [[MHC class II|MHC-II molecules]] on the cell membrane.<ref>{{Cite journal|title = Pathways of Antigen Processing|journal = Annual Review of Immunology|date = 2013-01-01|pmc = 4026165|pmid = 23298205|pages = 443–473|volume = 31|issue = 1|doi = 10.1146/annurev-immunol-032712-095910|first1 = Janice S.|last1 = Blum|first2 = Pamela A.|last2 = Wearsch|first3 = Peter|last3 = Cresswell}}</ref> [[T helper cell|T helper (T<sub>H</sub>) cells]], typically [[Follicular B helper T cells|follicular T helper (T<sub>FH</sub>) cells]] recognize and bind these MHC-II-peptide complexes through their [[T cell receptor|T cell receptor (TCR)]].<ref name=":9">{{Cite journal|title = A brief history of T cell help to B cells|journal = Nature Reviews Immunology|date = 2015-01-01|pmc = 4414089|pmid = 25677493|volume = 15|issue = 3|pages = 185–9|doi = 10.1038/nri3803|first = Shane|last = Crotty}}</ref> Following TCR-MHC-II-peptide binding, T cells express the surface protein [[CD154|CD40L]] as well as cytokines such as [[Interleukin 4|IL-4]] and [[Interleukin 21|IL-21]].<ref name=":9" /> CD40L serves as a necessary co-stimulatory factor for B cell activation by binding the B cell surface receptor [[CD40 (protein)|CD40]], which promotes B cell [[Cell growth|proliferation]], [[immunoglobulin class switching]], and [[somatic hypermutation]] as well as sustains T cell growth and differentiation.<ref name=":0" /> T cell-derived cytokines bound by B cell [[cytokine receptor]]s also promote B cell proliferation, immunoglobulin class switching, and somatic hypermutation as well as guide differentiation.<ref name=":9" /> After B cells receive these signals, they are considered activated.<ref name=":9" /> [[File:T-dependent B cell activation.png|thumb|T-dependent B cell activation]]
Once a BCR binds a TD antigen, the antigen is taken up into the B cell through [[receptor-mediated endocytosis]], [[Proteolysis|degraded]], and presented to T cells as peptide pieces in complex with [[MHC class II|MHC-II molecules]] on the cell membrane.<ref>{{Cite journal|title = Pathways of Antigen Processing|journal = Annual Review of Immunology|date = 2013-01-01|pmc = 4026165|pmid = 23298205|pages = 443–473|volume = 31|issue = 1|doi = 10.1146/annurev-immunol-032712-095910|first1 = Janice S.|last1 = Blum|first2 = Pamela A.|last2 = Wearsch|first3 = Peter|last3 = Cresswell}}</ref> [[T helper cell | T helper (T <sub> H </sub>) cells]], συνήθως [[Follicular B helper T cells | follicular T helper T (T <sub> FH </sub>) κύτταρα]] αναγνωρίζουν και δεσμεύουν αυτά τα σύμπλοκα MHC-II-πεπτιδίου μέσω του [[υποδοχέα Τ κυττάρων | υποδοχέων Τ κυττάρων (TCR)]].
[[T helper cell|T helper (T<sub>H</sub>) cells]], typically [[Follicular B helper T cells|follicular T helper (T<sub>FH</sub>) cells]] recognize and bind these MHC-II-peptide complexes through their [[T cell receptor|T cell receptor (TCR)]].<ref name=":9">{{Cite journal|title = A brief history of T cell help to B cells|journal = Nature Reviews Immunology|date = 2015-01-01|pmc = 4414089|pmid = 25677493|volume = 15|issue = 3|pages = 185–9|doi = 10.1038/nri3803|first = Shane|last = Crotty}}</ref> Μετά τη δέσμευση του πεπτιδίου TCR-MHC-II, τα Τ κύτταρα εκφράζουν την επιφανειακή πρωτεΐνη [[CD154 | CD40L]] καθώς και κυτοκίνες όπως [[Interleukin 4 | IL-4]] και [[Interleukin 21 | IL-21]].
Following TCR-MHC-II-peptide binding, T cells express the surface protein [[CD154|CD40L]] as well as cytokines such as [[Interleukin 4|IL-4]] and [[Interleukin 21|IL-21]].<ref name=":9" /> Το CD40L χρησιμεύει ως απαραίτητος συν-διεγερτικός παράγοντας για την ενεργοποίηση των Β κυττάρων συνδέοντας τον υποδοχέα της επιφάνειας των Β κυττάρων [[CD40 (πρωτεΐνη) | CD40]], ο οποίος προάγει τα Β κύτταρα [[Κυτταρική ανάπτυξη | πολλαπλασιασμός]], [[εναλλαγή τάξης ανοσοσφαιρίνης] ], και [[σωματική υπερμετάλλαξη]] καθώς και διατηρεί την ανάπτυξη και τη διαφοροποίηση των Τ κυττάρων.
CD40L serves as a necessary co-stimulatory factor for B cell activation by binding the B cell surface receptor [[CD40 (protein)|CD40]], which promotes B cell [[Cell growth|proliferation]], [[immunoglobulin class switching]], and [[somatic hypermutation]] as well as sustains T cell growth and differentiation.<ref name=":0" /> Οι κυτοκίνες που προέρχονται από τα Τ κύτταρα που δεσμεύονται από τα κύτταρα Β [[υποδοχέας κυτοκίνης] προάγουν επίσης τον πολλαπλασιασμό των Β κυττάρων, την αλλαγή τάξης ανοσοσφαιρίνης και τη σωματική υπερμετάλλαξη, καθώς και τη διαφοροποίηση.
T cell-derived cytokines bound by B cell [[cytokine receptor]]s also promote B cell proliferation, immunoglobulin class switching, and somatic hypermutation as well as guide differentiation.<ref name=":9" /> Αφού τα κύτταρα Β λάβουν αυτά τα σήματα, θεωρούνται ενεργοποιημένα.
After B cells receive these signals, they are considered activated.<ref name=":9" /> [[File:T-dependent B cell activation.png|thumb|Τ-εξαρτώμενη ενεργοποίηση Β κυττάρων
===T cell-dependent B cell activation===]]
Μόλις ενεργοποιηθούν, τα Β κύτταρα συμμετέχουν σε μια διαδικασία διαφοροποίησης δύο σταδίων που αποδίδει τόσο πλασμαβλάστες βραχείας διάρκειας για άμεση προστασία όσο και μακροχρόνια κύτταρα πλάσματος και Β κύτταρα μνήμης για επίμονη προστασία.
Once activated, B cells participate in a two-step differentiation process that yields both short-lived plasmablasts for immediate protection and long-lived plasma cells and memory B cells for persistent protection.<ref name=":8" /> The first step, known as the extrafollicular response, occurs outside lymphoid follicles but still in the SLO.<ref name=":8" /> During this step activated B cells proliferate, may undergo immunoglobulin class switching, and differentiate into plasmablasts that produce early, weak antibodies mostly of class IgM.<ref>{{Cite journal|title = Extrafollicular antibody responses|journal = Immunological Reviews|date = 2003-08-01|issn = 0105-2896|pmid = 12846803|pages = 8–18|volume = 194|first1 = Ian C. M.|last1 = MacLennan|first2 = Kai-Michael|last2 = Toellner|first3 = Adam F.|last3 = Cunningham|first4 = Karine|last4 = Serre|first5 = Daniel M.-Y.|last5 = Sze|first6 = Elina|last6 = Zúñiga|first7 = Matthew C.|last7 = Cook|first8 = Carola G.|last8 = Vinuesa|doi=10.1034/j.1600-065x.2003.00058.x}}</ref> The second step consists of activated B cells entering a lymphoid follicle and forming a [[Germinal center|germinal center (GC)]], which is a specialized microenvironment where B cells undergo extensive proliferation, immunoglobulin class switching, and [[affinity maturation]] directed by somatic hypermutation.<ref name=":10">{{Cite journal|title = Germinal center selection and the development of memory B and plasma cells|journal = Immunological Reviews|date = 2012-05-01|issn = 1600-065X|pmid = 22500831|pages = 52–63|volume = 247|issue = 1|doi = 10.1111/j.1600-065X.2012.01124.x|first1 = Mark J.|last1 = Shlomchik|first2 = Florian|last2 = Weisel|url = https://zenodo.org/record/1064236}}</ref> These processes are facilitated by T<sub>FH</sub> cells within the GC and generate both high-affinity memory B cells and long-lived plasma cells.<ref name=":8" /> Resultant plasma cells secrete large amounts of antibody and either stay within the SLO or, more preferentially, migrate to bone marrow.<ref name=":10" />
Once activated, B cells participate in a two-step differentiation process that yields both short-lived plasmablasts for immediate protection and long-lived plasma cells and memory B cells for persistent protection.<ref name=":8" /> Το πρώτο βήμα, γνωστό ως εξωθυλακική απόκριση, συμβαίνει έξω από τα λεμφοειδή ωοθυλάκια, αλλά εξακολουθεί να βρίσκεται στο SLO.
The first step, known as the extrafollicular response, occurs outside lymphoid follicles but still in the SLO.<ref name=":8" /> Κατά τη διάρκεια αυτού του σταδίου τα ενεργοποιημένα Β κύτταρα πολλαπλασιάζονται, μπορεί να υποστούν αλλαγή τάξης ανοσοσφαιρίνης και να διαφοροποιηθούν σε πλασμαβλάστες που παράγουν πρώιμα, ασθενή αντισώματα κυρίως της κατηγορίας IgM.
During this step activated B cells proliferate, may undergo immunoglobulin class switching, and differentiate into plasmablasts that produce early, weak antibodies mostly of class IgM.<ref>{{Cite journal|title = Extrafollicular antibody responses|journal = Immunological Reviews|date = 2003-08-01|issn = 0105-2896|pmid = 12846803|pages = 8–18|volume = 194|first1 = Ian C. M.|last1 = MacLennan|first2 = Kai-Michael|last2 = Toellner|first3 = Adam F.|last3 = Cunningham|first4 = Karine|last4 = Serre|first5 = Daniel M.-Y.|last5 = Sze|first6 = Elina|last6 = Zúñiga|first7 = Matthew C.|last7 = Cook|first8 = Carola G.|last8 = Vinuesa|doi=10.1034/j.1600-065x.2003.00058.x}}</ref> Το δεύτερο βήμα αποτελείται από ενεργοποιημένα Β κύτταρα που εισέρχονται σε ένα λεμφοειδές ωοθυλάκιο και σχηματίζουν ένα [[Germinal center | germinal center (GC)]], το οποίο είναι ένα εξειδικευμένο μικροπεριβάλλον όπου τα Β κύτταρα υφίστανται εκτεταμένο πολλαπλασιασμό, αλλαγή τάξης ανοσοσφαιρίνης και [[ωρίμανση συγγένειας] ] που κατευθύνεται από σωματική υπερμετάλλαξη.
The second step consists of activated B cells entering a lymphoid follicle and forming a [[Germinal center|germinal center (GC)]], which is a specialized microenvironment where B cells undergo extensive proliferation, immunoglobulin class switching, and [[affinity maturation]] directed by somatic hypermutation.<ref name=":10">{{Cite journal|title = Germinal center selection and the development of memory B and plasma cells|journal = Immunological Reviews|date = 2012-05-01|issn = 1600-065X|pmid = 22500831|pages = 52–63|volume = 247|issue = 1|doi = 10.1111/j.1600-065X.2012.01124.x|first1 = Mark J.|last1 = Shlomchik|first2 = Florian|last2 = Weisel|url = https://zenodo.org/record/1064236}}</ref>
Αυτές οι διεργασίες διευκολύνονται από τα Τ <sub> FH </sub> κύτταρα εντός του GC και παράγουν τόσο Β-κύτταρα μνήμης υψηλής συγγένειας όσο και μακροχρόνια κύτταρα πλάσματος.
These processes are facilitated by T<sub>FH</sub> cells within the GC and generate both high-affinity memory B cells and long-lived plasma cells.<ref name=":8" /> Τα κύτταρα πλάσματος που προκύπτουν εκκρίνουν μεγάλες ποσότητες αντισώματος και είτε παραμένουν εντός της SLO είτε, προτιμότερα, μεταναστεύουν στον μυελό των οστών.
Resultant plasma cells secrete large amounts of antibody and either stay within the SLO or, more preferentially, migrate to bone marrow.<ref name=":10" />
===T cell-independent activation===