css = custom css class (χωρίς δήλωση το υπόβαθρο γίνεται απαλό gradient, με υπάρχον στο Common.css, πχ gradientg6, εμφανίζεται αυτό, με οτιδήποτε άλλο συμπληρωθεί βγαίνει λευκό)
color = main colour
colora = other colour
colorb = other colour
bkcolor = background colour
bordercolor = border and close x colour
border = border: css attributes for border
height = box height
content = for custom content and formatting; replaces all of the following
imgright = image on right; set to 'none' to hide default
imgrightpos = for position, full syntax css, top:...; right:...; etc
imgleft = image on left; set to 'none' to hide default
button = text label for button
buttonpos = position, full syntax css, top:...; right:...; etc
buttonlink = link, if different from the main/others
message = main message
messageimage = image to use if not using text
messagepos = left, center or right
messageoffset = offset margin from indicated side
topoffset = to adjust offset margin from top (only use if visibly wrong)
messagesize = image size or block size for when centred or trying to prevent overflow
messageweight = set to 'normal' to not bold
messageother = other css, full syntax
submessage = secondary message, probably to go under the main
submessagetopoffset = offset from top/message
submessageother = other css, full syntax
aside = aside message
asidelink = aside link
asideposition = css - top:...; right:...; etc
asideheight = height for aside block
asidewidth = width for aside block
asidemargin = margin to offset
asidecolor = colour for aside text