Documentation icon Τεκμηρίωση module[δημιουργία]
local p = {}
local wikidata = require "Module:Wikidata"

local bases = {
-- { nom, propriété Wikidata, format URL}

{"AcademiaNet", "P2080", "$1"},
{"Academia Europaea", "P5463", "$1"},
{"The Academic Family Tree", "P2381", "$1"},
{"Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres", "P4716", "$1"},
{"Académie des sciences d'outre-mer", "P5374", "$1"},
{"Académie des sciences de Heidelberg", "P2273", "$1"},
{"Académie des sciences de la république d'Arménie", "P5212", "$1&d=&l=&langid=2"},
{"Académie des sciences de Saxe", "P3411", "$1"},
{"Académie des sciences morales et politiques", "P5362", "$1"},
{"Académie hongroise des sciences", "P3226", "$1"},
-- {"Académie nationale de médecine", "P3956", "$1"},
{"Académie nationale des sciences", "P5380", "$1.html"},
{"Académie royale de médecine de Belgique", "P5329", "$1"},
{"Académie royale suédoise des belles-lettres, d'histoire et des antiquités", "P3389", "$1"},
{"Académie serbe des sciences et des arts", "P3475", "$1"},
{"Accademia della Crusca", "P4585", "$1"},
{"ACM Digital Library", "P864", "$1"},
{"Akadem", "P5378", "$1.php"},
{"ALCUIN", "P3126", "$1"},
{"arXiv", "P4594", "$1.html"},
{"Atomic Heritage Foundation", "P4590", "$1"},
{"Authorea", "P5039", "$1"},
{"Bérose", "P5333", "$1-"},
{"Bibliothek für Bildungsgeschichtliche Forschung", "P1650", "$1#Vz______$1"},
{"Bibliothèque interuniversitaire de santé", "P5375", "$1"},
{"Biodiversity Heritage Library", "P687", "$1"},
{"Biodiversity Heritage Library", "P4081", "$1"},
{"Biographies of the Entomologists of the World", "P5370", "$1"},
{"Biographisches Archiv der Psychiatrie", "P5450", "$1"},
{"Cairn", "P4369", "$1.htm"},
{"Canal-U", "P5243", "$1"},
{"Catalogus Professorum Academiae Groninganae", "P2016", "$1"},
{"Catalogus Professorum Academiae Rheno-Traiectinae", "P2862", "$1"},
{"Catalogus Professorum Halensis", "P2005", "$1.html"},
{"Catalogus Professorum Rostochiensium", "P2940", "$1"},
{"Les Classiques des sciences sociales", "P5390", "$1/$1.html"},
{"Collège de France", "P5443", "$1/index.htm"},
{"Collège royal de chirurgie", "P2944", "$1.htm"},
{"Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas", "P3900", "$1&datos_academicos=yes"},
{"Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico", "P1007", "$1"},
{"Cristin", "P2287", "$1&la=en"},
{"Database of Classical Scholars", "P1935", "$1"},
{"Dialnet", "P1607", "$1"},
{"Diccionario de científicos argentinos Dra. Cecilia Grierson", "P3946", "$1"},
{"Dictionary of Art Historians", "P2332", "$1"},
{"Dictionnaire critique des historiens de l'art actifs en France de la Révolution à la Première Guerre mondiale", "P5372", "$1.html"},
{"Dictionnaire prosopographique de l'EPHE", "P4890", "$1"},
{"Digital Bibliography & Library Project", "P2456", "$1"},
{"Eesti Teadusinfosüsteem", "P2953", "$1"},
{"Encyclopædia Herder", "P5441", "$1"},
{"Encyclopædia Universalis", "P5369", "$1"},
{"Encyclopedia of Australian Science", "P4228", "$1.htm"},
{"Fichier central des thèses", "P4285", "$1"},
{"Figshare", "P4232", "$1"},
{"La France savante", "P2383", "$1"},
{"Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo", "P4598", "$1"},
{"Geförderte Projekte Informationssystem", "P4872", "$1"},
{"GONIAT", "P5211", "$1"},
{"Google Scholar", "P1960", "$1"},
{"HAL", "P4450", "$1"},
{"Historia de la Medicina", "P5468", "$1.html"},
{"History of Modern Biomedicine", "P3885", "$1"},
{"INSPIRE-HEP", "P2930", "$1"},
{"Institut Max-Planck d'histoire des sciences", "P5516", "$1"},	
{"Institut Pasteur", "P5418", "$1.html"},	
{"Institut universitaire de France", "P5320", "$1.html"},	
{"International Plant Names Index", "P586", "$1"},
{"Isidore", "P4491", "$1"},
{"Leidse Hoogleraren", "P2861", "$1"},
{"Leopoldina", "P3413", "$1/"},
{"Loop", "P2798", "$1/overview"},
{"MacTutor", "P1563", "$1.html"},
{"Magyar Tudományos Művek Tára", "P2492", "$1"},
{"Marburger Professorenkatalog", "P3187", "$1"},
{"Math-Net.Ru", "P4252", "$1"},
{"''Mathematical Reviews''", "P4955", "$1"},
{"Mathematics Genealogy Project", "P549", "$1"},
{"Medicina", "P5376", "$1"},
{"Médicos históricos", "P5496", "$1"},
{"Mendeley", "P3835", "$1"},
{"''Munk's Roll''", "P2941", "$1"},
{"Nauka Polska", "P3124", "$1"},
{"ORCID", "P496", "$1"},
{"Persée", "P2732", "$1"},
{"Professeurs des facultés des lettres et sciences…", "P5462", "$1"},
{"Professorenkatalog der Universität Leipzig", "P3409", "$1/"},
{"Publons", "P3829", "$1/"},
{"Real Academia Nacional de Medicina", "P3945", "$1"},
{"Rendez-vous de l'histoire", "P5406", "$1"},
{"Research Papers in Economics", "P2428", "$1"},
{"ResearchGate", "P2038", "$1"},
{"Researchmap", "P5029", "$1"},
{"ResearcherID", "P1053", "$1"},
{"Royal Society", "P2070", "$1/"},
{"Science Museum", "P4389", "$1"},
{"Scopus", "P1153", "$1"},
{"Semantic Scholar", "P4012", "$1"},
{"Siprojuris", "P4892", "$1"},
{"Social Science Research Network", "P3747", "$1"},
{"Southern Africa Association for the Advancement of Science", "P3807", "$1"},
{"Thèses de doctorat ès lettres soutenues en France de 1808 à 1940", "P5459", "$1"},
{"UGentMemorialis", "P3159", "$1"},
{"Univ-droit", "P5175", "$1"},
{"Université Masaryk", "P1803", "$1"},
{"''Who Named It?''", "P5415", "$1.html"},
{"ZbMATH", "P1556", "$1"},
{"ZooBank", "P2006", "$1"},

function p.main(frame)	
	local id =
	if id == "" then
		id = nil

	local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(id)
	if not entity then
		return nil
	local vals = {}
	for i, base in pairs(bases) do
		local val = wikidata.formatStatements{entity = entity, text = base[1], property = base[2], urlpattern = base[3], numval = 1, addcat = true}
		if val then 
			table.insert(vals, val)
	if #vals == 0 then
		return nil
	local header = ''
	if #vals > 1 then
		header = "Ressources relatives à la recherche : "
		header = 'Ressource relative à la recherche : '
	return wikidata.addLinkBack(header .. table.concat( vals, ' • ' ), entity, "identifiers" ) -- lien vers la section approriété de Wikidata

return p