1-βουτανόλη: Διαφορά μεταξύ των αναθεωρήσεων

Περιεχόμενο που διαγράφηκε Περιεχόμενο που προστέθηκε
Vchorozopoulos (συζήτηση | συνεισφορές)
Vchorozopoulos (συζήτηση | συνεισφορές)
Χωρίς σύνοψη επεξεργασίας
Γραμμή 153:
== Φυσική παρουσία ==
Κάποιες [[φερμομόνες]] κινδύνου που ανακαλύφθηκαν από τον [[αδένας|αδένα]] [[μέλι|μελιού]] Koschevnikov των [[μέλισσα|μελισσών]] περιέχουν 1-βουτανόλη.
Η 1-βουτανόλη υπάρχει φυσικά ως ένα παραπροϊόν της ζύμφωσης σακχάρων σε έναν αριθμό αλκοολούχων ποτών, που περιλαμβάνουν τη μπύρα<ref>{{citation | last = Bonte | first = W. | year = 1979 | title = Congener substances in German and foreign beers | journal = Blutalkohol | volume = 16 | pages = 108–24}}, cited in {{EHC-ref | id = 65 | name = Butanols: four isomers | date = 1987 | isbn = 92-4-154265-9}}.</ref>, το [[κονιάκ]]<ref>{{citation | last1 = Schreier | first1 = Peter | last2 = Drawert | first2 = Friedrich | last3 = Winkler | first3 = Friedrich | year = 1979 | title = Composition of neutral volatile constituents in grape brandies | journal = J. Agric. Food Chem. | volume = 27 | issue = 2 | pages = 365–72| doi = 10.1021/jf60222a031}}.</ref>, το [[κρασί]]<ref>{{citation | last = Bonte | first = W. | year = 1978 | title = Congener content of wine and similar beverages | journal = Blutalkohol | volume = 15 | pages = 392–404}}, cited in {{EHC-ref | id = 65 | name = Butanols: four isomers | date = 1987 | isbn = 92-4-154265-9}}.</ref> και το [[ουΐσκυ]]<ref>{{citation | last1 = Postel | first1 = W. | last2 = Adam | first2 = L. | year = 1978 | title = Gas chromatographic characterization of whiskey. III. Irish whiskey | journal = Branntweinwirtschaft | volume = 118 | pages = 404–7}}, cited in {{EHC-ref | id = 65 | name = Butanols: four isomers | date = 1987 | isbn = 92-4-154265-9}}.</ref>. Ακόμη έχει ανιχνευθεί σε αναθυμιάσεις του λυκίσκου<ref>{{citation | last1 = Tressl | first1 = Roland | last2 = Friese | first2 = Lothar | last3 = Fendesack | first3 = Friedrich | last4 = Koeppler | first4 = Hans | year = 1978 | title = Studies of the volatile composition of hops during storage | journal = J. Agric. Food Chem. | volume = 26 | issue = 6 | pages = 1426–30 | doi = 10.1021/jf60220a036}}.</ref>, κάποιους [[καρπός|καρπούς]]<ref>{{citation | last1 = Swords | first1 = G. | last2 = Bobbio | first2 = P. A. | last3 = Hunter | first3 = G. L. K. | year = 1978 | title = Volatile constituents of jack fruit (''Arthocarpus heterophyllus'') | journal = J. Food Sci. | volume = 43 | issue = 2 | pages = 639–40 | doi = 10.1111/j.1365-2621.1978.tb02375.x}}.</ref>, [[γάλα|γάλακτος]] θερμικής επεξεργασίας<ref>{{citation | last1 = Jaddou | first1 = Haytham A. | last2 = Pavey | first2 = John A. | last3 = Manning | first3 = Donald J. | year = 1978 | title = Chemical analysis of flavor volatiles in heat-treated milks | journal = J. Dairy Res. | volume = 45 | issue = 3 | pages = 391–403 | doi = 10.1017/S0022029900016617}}.</ref> musk melon,<ref>{{citation | last1 = Yabumoto | first1 = K. | last2 = Yamaguchi | first2 = M. | last3 = Jennings | first3 = W. G. | year = 1978 | title = Production of volatile compounds by Muskmelon, ''Cucumis melo'' | journal = Food Chem. | volume = 3 | issue = 1 | pages = 7–16 | doi = 10.1016/0308-8146(78)90042-0}}.</ref>, [[πεπόνι|μοσχοπέπονων]]<ref>{{citation | last1 = Yabumoto | first1 = K. | last2 = Yamaguchi | first2 = M. | last3 = Jennings | first3 = W. G. | year = 1978 | title = Production of volatile compounds by Muskmelon, ''Cucumis melo'' | journal = Food Chem. | volume = 3 | issue = 1 | pages = 7–16 | doi = 10.1016/0308-8146(78)90042-0}}.</ref>, [[τυρί|τυριών]]<ref>{{citation | last1 = Dumont | first1 = Jean Pierre | last2 = Adda | first2 = Jacques | year = 1978 | title = Occurrence of sesquiterpones in mountain cheese volatiles | journal = J. Agric. Food Chem. | volume = 26 | issue = 2 | pages = 364–67 | doi = 10.1021/jf60216a037}}.</ref>, [[μπιζέλι|μπιζέλια]]<ref>{{citation | last1 = Fisher | first1 = Gordon S. | last2 = Legendre | first2 = Michael G. | last3 = Lovgren | first3 = Norman V. | last4 = Schuller | first4 = Walter H. | last5 = Wells | first5 = John A. | year = 1979 | title = Volatile constituents of southernpea seed [''Vigna unguiculata'' (L.) Walp.] | journal = J. Agric. Food Chem. | volume = 27 | issue = 1 | pages = 7–11 | doi = 10.1021/jf60221a040}}.</ref> και μαγιρευμένου [[ρύζι|ρυζιού]]<ref>{{citation | last1 = Yajima | first1 = Izumi | last2 = Yanai | first2 = Tetsuya | last3 = Nakamura | first3 = Mikio | last4 = Sakakibara | first4 = Hidemasa | last5 = Habu | first5 = Tsutomu | year = 1978 | title = Volatile flavor components of cooked rice | journal = Agric. Biol. Chem. | volume = 42 | issue = 6 | pages = 1229–33 | url = http://www.journalarchive.jst.go.jp/jnlpdf.php?cdjournal=bbb1961&cdvol=42&noissue=6&startpage=1229&lang=en&from=jnlabstract}}.</ref> ''n''-Butanol is also formed during deep frying of corn oil, cottonseed oil, trilinolein, and triolein.<ref>{{citation | last1 = Chang | first1 = S. S. | last2 = Peterson | first2 = K. J. | last3 = Ho | first3 = C. | year = 1978 | title = Chemical reactions involved in the deep-fat frying of foods | journal = J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. | pages = 718–27}}, cited in {{EHC-ref | id = 65 | name = Butanols: four isomers | date = 1987 | isbn = 92-4-154265-9}}.</ref>. Ακόμη, η 1-βουτανόλη σχηματίζεται στα ακόλουθα [[έλαια]] κατά το [[τηγάνισμα]]: [[καλαμποκελαιο]], [[βαμβακέλαιο]], [[τριλινολεΐνη]] και [[τριολεΐνη]]<ref>{{citation | last1 = Chang | first1 = S. S. | last2 = Peterson | first2 = K. J. | last3 = Ho | first3 = C. | year = 1978 | title = Chemical reactions involved in the deep-fat frying of foods | journal = J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. | pages = 718–27}}, cited in {{EHC-ref | id = 65 | name = Butanols: four isomers | date = 1987 | isbn = 92-4-154265-9}}.</ref>.
Η 1-βουτανόλη χρησιμοποιήθηκε ακόμη ως συστατικό σε επεξεργασμένες και τεχνητές αρωματικές ουσίες<ref name="Mellan"/>, για την εκχύλιση αποβουτυρωμένης [[πρωτεΐνες|πρωτεΐνης]] από κρόκο [[αυγό|αυγού]], φυσικών αρωματικών υλικών, [[φυτικά έλαια|φυτικών ελαίων]], μπυρομαγιάς, καθώς και ως ένας διαλύτης για αφαίρεση χρωστικών ουσιών από υγρό στρώμα πρωτεΐνης από πηγμένο γάλα για τυρί<ref>{{citation | last1 = Bray | first1 = Walter J. | last2 = Humphries | first2 = Catherine | year = 1978 | title = Solvent fractionation of leaf juice to prepare green and white protein products | journal = J. Sci. Food Agric. | volume = 29 | issue = 10 | pages = 839–46 | doi = 10.1002/jsfa.2740291003}}.</ref>.
== Παραγωγή ==