Συζήτηση:Πατριάρχης Σερβίας Παύλος

Τελευταίο σχόλιο: πριν από 7 έτη από Sorabino στο θέμα Incorrect title

Incorrect title

  • Title of this page is not correct. Official title of Serbian Patriarch is, in Serbian language: Архиепископ пећки, митрополит београдско-карловачки и патријарх српски, or in English language: Archbishop of Peć, Metropolitan of Belgrade and Karlovci, and Serbian Patriarch. As you can see, our Patriarch is not "Patriarch of Belgrade" (Πατριάρχης Βελιγραδίου). Also, in terms of territory, Serbian Patriarch is also not just "Patriarch of Serbia" (Πατριάρχης Σερβίας) because Serbian Orthodox Church has canonical and patrimonial jurisdiction over: Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia and "Vardaria". Since our Patriarch is "Serbian" (Σερβικός) and not "of Belgrade" (Βελιγραδίου) or "of Serbia" (Σερβίας), please be so kind and correct the title of this page, and use the correct Greek form of the title: Serbian Patriarch. Thank you. Sorabino (συζήτηση) 05:50, 5 Αυγούστου 2016 (UTC)Απάντηση
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