es La lengua nativa de este usuario es el español.
en-4 This user speaks English at a near-native level.
ja-1 この利用者は簡単日本語を話します。.
el-0 Αυτός ο χρήστης δεν καταλαβαίνει τα Ελληνικά (ή με δυσκολία).
Αναζήτηση χρηστών ανά γλώσσα

For more information, please see meta:User:ReyBrujo. If you need a quick reply, please post at my talk page at the English Wikipedia instead (and please mention your local Wikipedia so that I can reply there).

To create these dumps, import pages.sql and langlinks.sql and execute the following (not optimized) query:

  SELECT page_id, page_len, page_title
    FROM page
   WHERE page_namespace = 0 
     AND page_is_redirect = 0
     AND page_id NOT IN (SELECT ll_from FROM langlinks)
ORDER BY page_title;

Archived interwiki dumps
