
Παλαιότερες συναντήσεις


Wikimedia meetings of our community with Asaf Bartov
Συναντήσεις της κοινότητας με τον Asaf Bartov


Date and time/Ημερομηνία και ώρα




Αίθουσα συνεδριάσεων στο Best Western Plus Embassy Hotel.

Διεύθυνση: Τιμολέοντος Βάσσου 22, 115 21 Αθήνα (πλησίον Πλατείας Μαβίλη).

10:00 πμ - 17:00 μμ (η αίθουσα είναι διαθέσιμη από τις 09:00 πμ)



Intended Audience/Κοινό


Only Community members / Μόνο μέλη της κοινότητας

Geographic scope/Γεωγραφική εμβέλεια


National / Τοπική συνάντηση πανελλαδικής εμβέλειας

Topic or theme/Θεματολογία


Οpen conversation very much led by the interest of those in the room. Proposed topics (in no particular order):

  • Questions of representation: who gets to speak for "the community"? How to deal with self-appointed representatives? How to pick consensual representatives? How to handle and respond to negative or inaccurate press coverage? How to not get sued? :)
  • Questions of community health: how to live with conflicts without losing sanity (or editors); how to cultivate newbies; how to handle external/national political tensions on-wiki.
  • Questions of strategy: what does the ELWP community want to achieve, on-wiki and off-wiki? What are long-term and short-term goals derived from those wishes? What are methods available now, and what needs to be developed for the future?
  • Questions of capacity building: what are the steps needed to get from here/now to where we want to be, in terms of capacity to act or execute programs, according to strategy. How is money used in the community context? How do we not let money ruin everything? How do grants work? Should we look at external funding sources beyond the Wikimedia movement?
  • Questions of partnership: what typical Wikimedia partnerships get results, elsewhere in the world? What is applicable to Greece? What are the challenges to such partnerships? What are partnerships we should consider to have low (or negative!) impact?
  • Legal issues: The liability of the contributors. Circumstances in which Wikimedia Foundation can support. Circumstances under which any support will have no result whatsoever.
  • Open Q&A -- time for folks to ask Asaf (or others!) absolutely anything.

Organizing team/Οργανωτική ομάδα


--Γλαύκος shoot it 09:36, 7 Μαρτίου 2013 (UTC) , ναι με την επιφύλαξη ότι κάποια πράγματα δεν θα είμαι σε θέση να τρέξω λόγω διαμονής στην επαρχία / yes, with the proviso that I won't be able to run some things that require physical presence.[απάντηση]

--Pyraechmes, επίσης εξ αποστάσεως/remote assistance.

--Αχρήστηςσυζήτηση 21:32, 22 Μαρτίου 2013 (UTC) , αναγκαστικά ελλείψη άλλου από Αθήνα, σε όσο χρόνο μπορέσω να διαθέσω. :) / since there is no one else from Athens, I will try to help :)[απάντηση]

--Ggia (συζήτηση) 13:40, 29 Μαρτίου 2013 (UTC)[απάντηση]

Will attend/Δηλώσεις συμμετοχής




Τελικά συμμετείχαν οι εξής χρήστες:

  1. Asaf Bartov
  2. Αχρήστης
  3. Chrysalifourfour
  4. Ggia
  5. Nikosguard
  6. ManosHacker
  7. FocalPoint
  8. Glavkos
  9. Geraki
  10. Vrlab
  11. Xoristzatziki
  12. Ttzavaras

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